Sunday, January 11, 2015

Trying new things at the start of 2015

I woke up and we had no coffee creamer so I told Wyatt "Mommy needs coffee" You grabbed my cheeks and said "This boy needs hot coco" So you and I went and got you a new hair cut for your first day of preschool the following day and then we went to starbucks!!!
For the entire Christmas beak you kept asking "Mommy are you happy I am going to school" You have been so excited to get to go to school. The day had finally arrived you were so excited and jumped right out of bed!

You started off a little bit shy and when I told you I was leaving you told me no but after I explained that I would be back to pick you up and you said OK. Your teachers said you ad a great day. You were so excited to tell me all the things that you did that day. You know are going around the house saying "cock a doddle doo" telling me that means its time to wake up and you leaned it at school..

You were so excited to show us all your very first work that you did in school. You still keep it in your backpack.

You love practicing your spelling. You are doing so well in school and get so excited to go each day. You were bummed during winter break because you didn't get to go to school.
You feel asleep reading a book about football and looking at the football plays. You are crazy about football.

Seahawks made it to the play offs and your school had a blue Friday Seahawks tailgate Breakfast. 
You both came home so excited to show me the flyer and get to go.
We had are first den meeting of the new year and you earned your astronomy belt loop. You guys learned all about the planets and made a model of the planets and even got to use a telescope. Your favorite planet to learn about was Saturn because you loved that it has a ring around it.

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