The day started out like any other.. by getting the kids up and ready for school and was actually going great and were not rushed at all since we have moved bedtime up and don't have to fight them out of bed. We got big brother on the bus and went back in to get keagin ready for preschool and wyatt ready for are errands and that when it started. A few minutes before we had to be out the door Keagin started asking for chocolate milk and I told him he couldn't because he already had hot coco that he had yet to finish and it was basically chocolate milk now since it was probably cold by now. Well this was not good enough for him and he started to throw a tantrum. After getting Wyatt ready and continuing to tell Keagin no to the chocolate milk we head out the door. Keagin continue to pouts at the door while I buckle Wyatt in and have to drag keagin to the car as he still is crying for chocolate milk and how he is sooo thirsty I get him buckled and explain if he was so thirsty he should have drank his coco he asked for. Get to the school he is still big time pouting about the milk but get him and wyatt out and headed to the front door. I am noticing the lights are off in his classroom that we have to walk by and I am trying to remember if it was a no school day for the preschoolers and then we get to the front door if I am trying to think if he had school or not (thinking I should have checked his backpack last night but didn't) and their is a small group of students a maybe two teachers outside. Now I really don't now what is going on as school has already started for them. That is when I hear an alarm going off and the teacher informs me that the power just went of like a minute ago and the alarm went off and it locked the doors so we are now locked out in the rain. I am trying to hold the 15 month old and keep keagin from running off as he is still throwing a fit saying he is not going to school until he has his chocolate milk. Talk about a day so far. Finially the alarm goes off and the doors unlock so we get to at least get out of the cold. I get keagin to his classroom which is still dark while trying to decide what I am going to do.
Skip a head 45minutes.... The lights are still off and since I am not going home because of errands so I won't now weather the cancel school I decide that I will take keagin and get Hunter and take them all on my errands. So we go to the office and sign Hunter out. Who is all excited to tell me about the power going off as I try to wrestle Keagin into his coat and catch wyatt who has decided to run down the hallway and we make it to the car. Before I even open the door to the car I realize the problem with my plan of taking them all home. Three kids and only two carseats in my car. One carseat is still sitting in my living room as grandparents had been using it and I have not needed it I have not put it back in my car. What to do what to do. I explain to the kids that we have to go back in and try to find grandma who works at the school but you never know where she will be and at what school to get the carseat that she has in her truck. SO I drag them all back in the school (It's still raining so we are getting wet and Wyatt wants nothing to do with being held and wants to run around) Get back in the school and guess what in that 1 minute we were outside the power came back on! Yes problem solved, Hunter can stay at school!!!! I look nuts but hey I don't have to search the district trying to locate my mom. SO I sign him back in and he heads back off to class. Now this is were I did not use my brain which happens when you have a 15 month old that gets up several times each night screaming for 30 min or more because you are trying to no longer nurse anymore especially in the middle of the night because he is only using it for comfort not because he needs to eat. And you are using energy to try to control the two younger ones to not run around while trying to figure out where hunter went (back to class to find out) that i did not realize hey leave Keagin at preschool they have power and it's only 9 he still has 2 hours and 15 minutes left plenty of time for you to run to yelm like planned and be back in time to pick him up... But oh no... did I think of that? NO I head back out to the car with Keagin now crying because he wants his Hunter (hunja, as he pronounces it) "I want mu hunter, I want my hunter,) I try to explain that I can't take Hunter I only have two carseats. He cries to me that this is his carseat (he is using Hunter's because I have yet to re install keagin) Yeah buddy but I have three kids so how many carseats do I need. He reply's back three and I ask him how many do I have in the car. He says two. This seemed to make him understand and he stopped crying for Hunter.
So we head off to do our errands... Almost to yelm is when I finally realized that I should have kept keagin in preschool rather than take him with me... Oh well. We get to safeway and he gets a donuts and coco and I get coffee. By this time I need it! Then the next fit throwing starts when we get to walmart. Seriously all I needed was birthday invitation and now wipes because wyatt is covered in chocolate from the donuts they shared. I finally find the spiderman invitations and by this time Keagin has found some batman toys for goody bags and has decides that he needs them. I continue to tell him we are not getting them that we were only getting invitations for now. So I take it away and that is when the bawling starts. All through walmart I need them I need them. We finally get in line and he has at least stopped crying and now is just telling me why he needs them. But of course with all stores they have those dang candy at the checkout. And being walmart two checkers open so long lines. And that is when they crying starts he needs the race car pez dispenser This time he is screaming and through a huge fit. I tell him he is not getting them he already got a treat and that is that and if he continues to throw a fit that he will loose his DSI for the day. Did he stop of course not. By this time we get another lady behind us and he is still crying that he wants it and I keep saying no. I'm still not stressed because it's not the first fit he has thrown in a store and I'm sure it will not be the last. But that is when I become angry with the lady behind me.
She looks at me and says I should just get it for him it's not like it's that much. Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME. Who cares how much it was it could have been .25 and he was not going to get it. 1. Because I already said no 2. he did not need candy. 3. I am not going to get my son what he wants because he is throwing a fit. Seriously what kind of lesson am I telling him. Is that how it works in life. Throw a fit and you get what you want. Yeah I could have gotten him the dang candy and yes he would have stopped crying. But I don't care if my son is throwing a fit in a store and I am sorry if it bothers other shoppers but I sure in hell am not going to get him a toy to shut him up. What the hell would I be teaching him.
Now I am not typically a confrontational person and I am not one to chat people up in line and tend to be very quite when I do not now someone but she dang pissed me off. I turned towards here and siad their is no way in hell that I am giving my son a toy for throwing a fit in the store. I don't care how much it cost. If I gave my kids everything they wanted every time they threw a fit I would be poor and they would then continue to throw fits so they could get what they want. I told it's not like I don't ever give them a treat but he has already had coco and a donuts so he is just fine. Plus this is about the fourth thing he has thrown a fit about. So if she does not like that my child is crying in the cart (which he wasn't being as loud as he normally is about things like this) then she can go to another line.
I seriously hate when parents buy kids the dang toys and candy up front when they are throwing a fit for all the reason I already mentioned but do I tell the parent how to raise their child. No because it's not my business. Seriously I sure hope she does not have kids because they will be spoiled lil brats.
We finally pay for the stuff and we head out to the car all the while keagin is still crying for the toy and I am thinking to myself, Why did you not leave him at school? But oh well he finally stopped crying about the toy before we even got out of yelm and realizes that he does not get what he wants just because he throws a fit. And I am thinking finally we can turn this day around nothing else can go wrong. And why do I think that? I should seriously now better.
We get to the cider mill so I can book his party which I had already talked to them about of facebook and told them the date so I am thinking I will have no problems. My first mistake. Well I get keagin out of the car where he is now being his super cute as he explains to me why he really needs this toy, and how he can't live without it. And gesturing with his hands. It was so freakin cute . How that kid can be so sticken cute but he is. I get Wyatt out who is now asleep and we walk into the store at the cider mill and I see their sign says they are close on Sundays.... Ugh are you kidding me. His party is the 10th which is a Sunday... All I am thinking is you have to be kidding me. SO we go up and I ask anyways just in case and the lady informs me that now I can't have the party on Sunday because they are closed but I am welcome to have it on Saturday (which I can't because I have a baby shower). Great So I did the whole trip to walmart and dealt with the tantrums for no reason because I can't fill out the invitations to give to his preschool class tomorrow because I have no idea where we are going to have it. But at least I was able to get not one cherry turnover but two because they were a day old and a muffin all for the price of one cherry turnover. (They have the best turnovers ever) And we head back out to the car. Somehow get wyatt in without waking him and head back home. The whole way home I am thinking how this whole day was a waste and could have saved myself from the tantrums but oh well that cherry turnover will make it all better.
Thinking that nothing else eventful and wacky will happen today I unbuckle keagin from the car and grab the groceries and start unlocking the door and guess what my dang freaking key breaks in the door. We are locked outside .. Seriously what is up with today.... Thank god for that cherry turnover I got to eat when we finally climbed into the house through a window!!!.
Thank heavens for the cherry turn over |
Looks like I will also need to get a new door knob ASAP since my only other one I broke a few months ago and this one is my husbands because I never went and made another one! |